Attendance Growth Overview

Team Demio
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"If an amazing webinar takes place and no one is around to engage with it, does it make an impact?"

While an age-old thought experiment doesn't outline all of the reasons why Attendees are so crucial to your event, it does paint a pretty clear picture for how Attendees can be an accurate measure of the expected results your webinar can deliver on.

If we don't have any Attendees, no matter how awesome our presentation or how valuable the offer, we won't see any results.

That's why it's important to craft your webinar strategy with your Attendees in mind—understanding why someone would want to attend and learning how we can optimize our process to increase the chance that they do.

We'll start by further exploring what makes Attendees such a crucial component to your webinar's success—both in terms of how they directly influence your outcome, but also how they meaningfully impact the quality of your event.

Then we'll quickly review how a Customer Avatar allows us to better understand our audience and why it's a crucial step to successfully create our webinar process.

Next, we'll take a deep dive into different strategies and tactics we can use to optimize our attendance looking at the registration process itself, adding Attendee incentives, and crafting our pre-webinar email campaigns.

Finally, we'll explore the idea of continual testing and improvement as we seek to optimize the process.

While you can apply these strategies and tactics on any webinar platform, we'll be showcasing how to implement all of these strategies and tactics directly on Demio. If you have an account, it'll be easy to follow along!

If you don't have one yet, feel free to sign-up for our free trial. No credit card required.

Learning Goal: Optimize your webinar process to maximize show-up rates and boost attendance.

Run engaging webinars that deliver results.