Post-Event Activities

Team Demio
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For starters, congratulations on running your event. That alone makes you awesome!

Once your event is over, there are still a few steps you can take to make the most out of it.

We'll be covering these in more detail with our upcoming course: Replay Campaign (coming soon), but here's a quick rundown.


Most webinar platforms will provide you with a ready-available Replay of the event. Depending on the platform, you can also have it automatically shared with different segments via email.

Demio allows you to automatically send the replay for your events to a specific segment: all Registrants, Attendees, or No Shows

This is a great way to give those that attended a chance to review the content, but also give those that missed the event a chance to watch it.

Drive Results

If you had any primary objectives or call-to-action (looking back at the earlier goals we set), this is a great opportunity to drive action on those.

You can even craft a specific message for each of the segments depending on if they attended or not.

With our integration options, you can segment your audience based on attendance.

This means that you can perform separate actions on those that attended and those that missed the event.

Automating It All

Another option could be to turn your replay into an automated event, which can turn your presentation into an evergreen funnel that runs on auto-pilot.

While it's certainly an advanced strategy, it allows you to continually capture value from your presentation.

We make it incredibly easy to turn any of your past recordings into powerful Automated events.

Here's a step-by-step guide on doing just that: Create an Automated Event

We'll tackle this entire strategy in an upcoming advanced course: Explore Automated (coming soon)

We truly hope this course helped you get started with webinars!

While you can apply these strategies and tactics on any webinar platform, we believe that Demio does it best.

If you don't have an account yet, feel free to sign-up for our free trial. No credit card required.

Equipped with your webinar goals, a customer avatar that maps to your audience, and all the steps for creating/running/promoting your event, you're ready to get started with webinars!

Run engaging webinars that deliver results.